Crystal Dreaming ᴳ

Crystal Dreaming
This album creates a timeless space for you to deeply relax and meditate. 45 uninterrupted minutes of the pure sounds and vibrations of 9 crystal singing bowls.
Ideal for deep personal meditation, gruops and therapists.

A review of “Crystal Dreaming” from “White Light” magazine…
“If gentle reader, you have an understanding of the effect of pure sound on the consciousness, you would delight in this simple CD. I listened three times to this 45 minute. sound experience and loved the gentle purity of its effect on both me and my home. This is a ‘sound experience’ of 9 crystal ‘singing’ bowls beautifully played by Chicchan. No frills, no words, no support instruments, no extra’s, just the clear vibrations of these wonderful instruments. The tones vary and I felt bathed by their healing as I did my housework enveloped in (for a change) peaceful simplicity. I would encourage music students, healers, doctors and anyone overloaded by stress to enjoy this delightfully different form of music therapy. I also loved the photographs taken on the beach – so joyful and clear. Thank you for the opportunity to review this CD!!”

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